Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happiness is a Warm Puppy

I think that sometimes having a dog is a very selfish thing. Unlike cats, dogs thrive on your love and attention. They need it. You have to be available to a dog in a way that you don't with a cat. And so, even when you don't feel like you deserve that kind of adoration yourself, the kind of worship a dog offers, you've got it. Which can be a good thing in dark moments.

Parker has spent the past week or so obeying commands (this is a true feat) and sleeping curled on the bed next to me. He follows me around the apartment, all 20 feet of it, and watches me from the futon in the kitchen while I work all day. It's almost as if he knows I'm sick with a cold, and have trouble sleeping, and feel overwhelmed by life. The selfish part is that he's getting me through it with walks and playtime at the dog park, instead of a bottle of wine and a vat of ice cream.

Although he did kind of look like he was judging me while I ate frosting with a spoon this afternoon.... must have been my imagination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. I love the walks. Although, if I were walking with a glass of wine... :)